by Max Kapner
Hello, my name is Max Kapner, and I am an 8th grader at a twice–exceptional curricular based school for gifted students, called Bridges Academy. I started going to the school when I was in 6th grade, and it was a completely different experience from my elementary public school.
For example, at Bridges there are only 7-10 students in each class and you stay with the same group of kids throughout the year. Most of the work is done using technology and every student has a laptop they take with them from class to class; homework is far away from a priority. This school is very original and unique. I had difficulties in certain subjects, such as Math, and Science. But what I really excelled in are History, English, and Art. Bridges’s goal for each student is to focus on the more difficult subjects, to improve upon and better understand them, while also striving high in the subjects that are much more familiar to the student.
All the teachers have completely different ways of teaching the content when compared to a regular public school middle school and high school. Somehow, in 6th grade, I was learning about the animal cell and its parts, and I remember them clearly to this day, which would have never ever happened at my old school.
Bridges has a activity called Enrichment Clusters. Enrichment Clusters are extra curricular groups that you can choose usually by semester. Some of the activities are a Cartoon Comics Animation cluster, a Sports cluster, and a Photography cluster, etc.
The one I chose was Photography, because I love taking photos, and want to learn more how to do it. Enrichment Custers are one of my favorite activities at school hands down, and it definitely is an eye–opener for different experiences, which I believe is a major positive for academics. Here are some pictures I took during Photography:
and a painting:We also have Winter Session, which is the 2 weeks after winter break, which is pretty much a two week, all- day Enrichment Cluster. You can choose one for the first week, and one for the second week. I feel like Winter Session and Enrichment Clusters are truly an amazing academic activity for students.